Today's headline, "Gaddafi hints he is ready to leave Libya (but 'only if rebel council gives him a pile of cash and promises not to prosecute')" is... hilarious.
Seriously, what kind of world leader asks for a "pile of cash"? How important do you need to be to feel that you are actually entitled to a "pile of cash". And, really, what is a "pile of cash". Shouldn't he define this more clearly or surely someone will be smart enough to make a small pile of ones and legally call it a "pile of cash".
"Here is fifty bucks in a pile, Gaddafi. Now get the hell out."
Sometimes people just crack me up.
Writing Game
I've been enjoying a book called, "The Trickster's Hat" by Nick Bantock. It's
miscellaneous art and writing projects that just get your creativity going....